JUMP TOMESH APIOverviewErrorsVersioningRate limitingWorking with listsData typesDates and timesCountries and currenciesWebhooksPostman collectionENDPOINTSAuthenticationCreate an access tokenpostOnboardingCreate and Screen a Customer asynchronouslypostCreate and Screen a Customer synchronouslypostGet status and result of onboardinggetCustomersGet a list of customersgetGet customer detailsgetGet customer's productsgetGet customer's risk scoregetGet monitoring configuration of a customergetUpdate monitoring configuration for an existing customerpatchGet customer using your identifiergetRetrieve cases for a customergetUpdate and re-score a customer synchronouslypostGet a list of acquisition sources matching the search parameter.getCasesGet list of casesgetGet a specific casegetRetrieve the alerts for a casegetAssign a case to a userpostTransition a case to a statepostGet the notes on a casegetLeave a note on a casepostAssign cases in bulkpostTransition cases in bulkpostGet a list of available case statesgetAlerts & RisksGet risks within an alertgetUpdate the status of a riskpostGet list of alert mutes for account or customergetCreate alert mutes for customerpostDelete alert mutedeleteWebhooksCreate a new webhook configurationpostGet list of webhooksgetChange status of a webhookpatchTest a webhookpostEmail ConfigurationsGet a list of all email notification configurationsgetCreate a new email notification configurationpostTest an emailpostUpdate an email notification configurationpatchDelete an email notification configurationdeleteExportsGet a list of all exports that the requesting user attempted to create.getCreate a new exportpostGet a list of export typesgetGet a download url for a given export.getClientsGet your client detailsgetGet list of accounts within your clientgetAccountsGet details about your accountgetSwitch logged in accountputGet list of users in your accountgetUsersCreate a new userpostGet details about your usergetGet accounts for your usergetGet permissions for your usergetBulk assign user rolesputGet details about a usergetUpdate an existing userpatchGet accounts for a usergetAssign user rolesputRolesGet list of rolesgetCase WorkflowsGet list of case workflowsgetGet a specific case workflowgetUpdate a specific case workflowputGet a specific version of a case workflowgetScreening ConfigurationsGet screening configurationsgetCreate screening configurationpostUpdate screening configurationputGet screening configuration versionsgetGet a screening configuration versiongetBatch ProcessingGet the states for all batch processesgetInitiate a batch-processpostDelete a batch processdeleteGet the state for a single batch processgetDownload a summary reportgetPayment Screening ConfigurationsGet payment screening configurationsgetCreate payment screening configurationpostRetrieve latest payment screening configuration by idgetCreate a new version of a configurationputGet payment screening configuration versionsgetGet a payment screening configuration versiongetTransactionsUpload and screen a transactionpostSwitch logged in accountput https://api.eu.mesh.complyadvantage.com/v2/accounts/meChanges the active logged in account for your user.