Create and screen a customer asynchronously

This endpoint initiates the ''create and screen'' workflow for your customer. The workflow consists of four steps:

  1. Customer record creation: The customer record is created in Mesh.
  2. Risk scoring: An initial risk score is calculated for the customer.
  3. Customer screening: The customer is screened using settings based on the calculated risk score.
  4. Alerting: Alerts associated with the screened customer are generated based on the risk analysis.
  5. Case Creation: Alerts are bundled into a Case for analyst review.

Each customer must have a unique customer external identifier specified as part of the request. This identifier is used to find the customer within Mesh and link back to your own internal systems.

The customer can be one of: PERSON or COMPANY and can optionally have multiple products.

Following risk scoring, the customer will be screened using ComplyAdvantage's AML database. You can specify the screening profile used for initial screening and subsequent ongoing monitoring within the configuration object. The value for screening_profile_identifier can be found in the settings section of the Mesh application.

The workflow will execute asynchronously. The initial POST returns a 'workflow-instance-identifier' and you can be notified of completion by:

  • either polling the GET /workflows/ endpoint with the workflow_identifier returned when starting the workflow
  • or, setting up a WORKFLOW_COMPLETED webhook that will fire when your workflow completes.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!