JUMP TOMESH APIOverviewErrorsVersioningRate limitingWorking with listsData typesDates and timesCountries and currenciesWebhooksPostman collectionENDPOINTSAuthenticationCreate an access tokenpostOnboardingCreate and Screen a Customer asynchronouslypostCreate and Screen a Customer synchronouslypostGet status and result of onboardinggetCustomersGet a list of customersgetGet customer detailsgetGet customer's productsgetGet customer's risk scoregetGet monitoring configuration of a customergetUpdate monitoring configuration for an existing customerpatchGet customer using your identifiergetRetrieve cases for a customergetUpdate and re-score a customer synchronouslypostGet a list of acquisition sources matching the search parameter.getCasesGet list of casesgetGet a specific casegetRetrieve the alerts for a casegetAssign a case to a userpostTransition a case to a statepostGet the notes on a casegetLeave a note on a casepostAssign cases in bulkpostTransition cases in bulkpostGet a list of available case statesgetAlerts & RisksGet risks within an alertgetUpdate the status of a riskpostGet list of alert mutes for account or customergetCreate alert mutes for customerpostDelete alert mutedeleteWebhooksCreate a new webhook configurationpostGet list of webhooksgetChange status of a webhookpatchTest a webhookpostExportsGet a list of all exports that the requesting user attempted to create.getCreate a new exportpostGet a list of export typesgetGet a download url for a given export.getClientsGet your client detailsgetGet list of accounts within your clientgetAccountsGet details about your accountgetSwitch logged in accountputGet list of users in your accountgetUsersGet details about your usergetGet accounts for your usergetGet permissions for your usergetBulk assign user rolesputGet details about a usergetUpdate an existing userpatchGet accounts for a usergetAssign user rolesputRolesGet list of rolesgetCase WorkflowsGet list of case workflowsgetGet a specific case workflowgetUpdate a specific case workflowputGet a specific version of a case workflowgetScreening ConfigurationsGet screening configurationsgetCreate screening configurationpostUpdate screening configurationputGet screening configuration versionsgetGet a screening configuration versiongetBatch ProcessingGet the states for all batch processesgetInitiate a batch-processpostDelete a batch processdeleteGet the state for a single batch processgetDownload a summary reportgetPayment Screening ConfigurationsGet payment screening configurationsgetCreate payment screening configurationpostRetrieve latest payment screening configuration by idgetCreate a new version of a configurationputGet payment screening configuration versionsgetGet a payment screening configuration versiongetTransactionsUpload and screen a transactionpostRetrieve the alerts for a caseget https://api.eu.mesh.complyadvantage.com/v2/cases/{case_identifier}/alertsReturns a paginated list of alerts associated with a case.