Create a new user

Creates a new user.

To enable the user to access an account, they must be assigned at least one role. A user will not be sent an email invite until assigned at least one role.

Follow these steps to create and configure a user:

  1. Create user: Create the user by calling POST /users.

  2. Get role(s): Use GET /roles to fetch the role_identifier(s) you wish to assign to the user.

  3. (Optional) Get account: If you need to assign roles for an account you're not currently logged into but within the same organization, retrieve the relevant account_identifier using GET clients/me/accounts.

  4. Assign user role: Use POST /users/{user_identifier}/roles to assign the user to an account with a list of role_identifier(s) and optionally the account_identifier if applicable.

You need the "Create and update users" permission to use this endpoint.

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