Viewing screening results

How to view detailed screening results within cases and alerts

When a customer is screened and hits are found, cases and alerts are automatically generated. Risks can then be reviewed within the alerts. Cases, alerts and risks can be reviewed and remediated either via the ComplyAdvantage Mesh web application or by integrating with the API for use in your own case management system.

Viewing cases and alerts in the ComplyAdvantage Mesh web application

  • To review cases directly in the web application, follow the steps outlined in this article.

Retrieving alerts using the ComplyAdvantage Mesh API

Retrieving alerts after asynchronous screening

Using webhooks (Recommended)
  • Retrieve the alert_identifier from the WORKFLOW_COMPLETED webhook payload.
  • Use the alert_identifier to fetch detailed risks using the Get Risks Within an Alert API.
Using polling

Retrieving alerts after synchronous screening

  • If last_sync_step is set to ALERTING in the request:
    • Retrieve the alerting.identifier directly from the Create and Screen (Synchronous) API response.
    • Use the alert_identifier to fetch detailed risks using the Get Risks Within an Alert API.
  • If last_sync_step is not set:
    • Follow the same process outlined in the Asynchronous Screening section above to retrieve and view the alert.